V+ 을/ㄹ 건데요. State a plan while expecting a response from the listener

V+ 을/ㄹ 건데요.

It is used to state a plan while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end a conversation but hope it will be continued.
저는 허리가 아파서 침을 맞을 건데요.
I am going to get acupuncture for my low back pain.
우리 가족은 오늘 오후에 볼링을 치러 갈 건데요.
My family is going to go bowling this afternoon.
저는 내일부터 다이어트를 할 건데요.
I am going to go on a diet from tomorrow.
흐엉 씨, 토요일에 시간 있어요?
Ms. Huong, do you have time on Saturday?
친구랑 쇼핑할 건데요. 왜요?
I am going to go shopping with my friend. Why?
공연 표가 생겼는데 같이 보면 좋을 것 같아서요.
I got a ticket for a performance. It would be nice if we watched it together.
그래요? 쇼핑은 다음에도 할 수 있으니까 제가 약속을 취소할게요.
Really? I can go shopping next time, so I will cancel my appointment.
그런데 친구가 기분 나빠하지 않을까요?
But wouldn’t your friend be upset?
그 친구는 마음이 넓어서 미리 연락하면 이해해 줄 거예요.
My friend is so generous. If I call him/her in advance, he/she will understand.
Related words
쇼핑하다 to go shopping
마음이 넓다 to be generous
미리 in advance
이해하다 to understand
허리 low back
침을 맞다 to get acupuncture
볼링을 치다 to play bowling


See also  V+ 음에/ㅁ에 따라

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