V/A + 는군요/군요. Marvel the fact newly learned.

V/A + 는군요/군요.

It is used to marvel at the facts newly learned. 
When the state verb stem comes, use ‘-군요’, and when the action verb stem comes, use ‘-군요’. And when the noun comes, use ‘이군요’.
저 배우가 연기를 정말 잘하는군요.
That actor is very good at acting.
우빈 씨는 노래를 잘 부르는군요.
Mr. Woobin sings well.
이 식당 반찬이 모두 맛있군요.
All the side dishes in this restaurant taste very good.
오늘 한강에 사람이 정말 많군요.
There are a lot of people at the Han River today.
오늘 한강에서 행사를 합니다.
We have an event on the Han River.
그래요? 무슨 행사를 합니까?
Do you? What kind of event is it?
밤에 불꽃 축제를 합니다.
We’ll have a fireworks festival at night.
Related words
불꽃 축제 a fireworks festival
배우 an actor
연기 acting
노래를 부르다 to sing


See also  마치 V+ 는 것처럼

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