V/A+ 는데요/은데요/ㄴ데요. State a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener

V/A+ 는데요/은데요/ㄴ데요.

It is used to state a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end a conversation but hope it will be continued.
밖에 비가 많이 오는데요.
It is raining a lot outside.
커피 향이 아주 좋은데요.
The coffee smells very good.
그 제품은 좀 비싼데요.
The product is a bit expensive.
벌써 9시네요. 그만 일어날까요?
It’s already 9 o’clock. Now, shall we get going?
네, 오늘 아주 즐거웠어요.
Yes. It was really fun today.
다음 토요일에 시간이 있으면 또 만날래요?
Shall we meet again if you have some time next Saturday?
제가 다음 주 토요일에 선약이 있는데요. 일요일은 어때요?
I have an appointment next Saturday. How about Sunday?
일요일도 괜찮아요. 우리 그럼 동물원에 갈까요?
Sunday is fine, too. Then, shall we go to the zoo?
좋아요. 저도 오랜만에 동물원에 가고 싶어요.
It sounds good. It’s been a while since I went to the zoo.
Related words
그만 now
일어나다 to get going
즐겁다 to be fun
일요일 Sunday
동물원 a zoo
제품 a product

See also  [Grammar] V+ 어서/아서/여서 V+ 도록 하겠습니다.

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