V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 __? Ask questions related to the contents in the preceding clause.

V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 __?

It is used to ask questions related to the contents in the preceding clause.
저는 수영을 좋아하는데 우빈 씨는 무슨 운동을 좋아해요?
I like swimming; Mr Woobin, what sports do you like?
오늘 저녁 예약을 하고 싶은데 가능합니까?
I would like to make a dinner reservation; is it possible?
공기가 나쁜데 창문을 닫을까요?
The air is bad; shall we close the window?
곧 여름 휴가인데 휴가 때 뭘 할 거예요?
The summer vacation is coming soon; what would you like to do during the vacation?
국내 여행을 하고 싶은데 좋은 곳을 알아요?
I want to travel around the country; do you know a good place to go?
저는 작년에 제주도에서 자전거로 여행을 했어요. 경치가 아름다웠어요.
I traveled around Jeju Island by bicycle last year. The scenery was beautiful.
저는 차로만 여행을 해 봤는데 자전거 여행도 좋을 것 같아요.
I travel around only by car, but it would be good to travel around by bicycle.
Related words
국내 여행 travelling around the country
작년 last year
가능하다 to be possible
닫다 to close

See also  N에 N이/가 있어요?

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