V/A+ 었어/았어/였어. The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었/았/였어요.’

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어.

It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었어요/았어요/였어요.’ in a declarative sentence.
방금 집에 왔어.
I have just arrived home.
미안해. 내가 요즘 바빠서 연락을 못 했어.
Sorry. I haven’t been able to reach you because I’ve been busy these days.
이번 시험은 정말 어려웠어.
This test was really difficult.
방금 탄 놀이 기구 너무 재미있지 않아요? 어머, 그런데 괜찮아요?
Wasn’t the ride we just went on the fun? Oh, by the way, are you okay?
Yes, I am okay.
정말 괜찮아요? 얼굴이 하얗게 질렸어요.
Are you really okay? You look pale.
아니, 나 지금 토할 것 같아. 이렇게 무서운 놀이 기구는 태어나서 처음 타 봤어.
No, I feel like vomiting now. This is the first time to gone on this scary ride since I was born.
놀이 기구 타는 거 싫어해요?
Don’t you like going on the rides?
응, 사실은 무섭고 어지러워서 놀이 기구 타는 거 싫어해.
No. In fact, I get nervous and I feel dizzy. So I don’t like to go on rides.
Related words
방금 just
얼굴 a face
하얗게 질리다 to look pale
아니 no
토하다 to vomit
태어나다 to be born
사실 in fact
어지럽다 to feel dizzy


See also  A+ 어/아/여졌어요. Indicate a change into a certain state has happened.

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