V/A+ 지 않으면 안 돼요. Indicate an absolute necessity of a certain action or state

우빈 씨가 승진한 거 알아요?
Did you know Mr. Woobin got promoted?
네, 저는 벌써 축하 메시지를 보냈어요.
Yes, I already sent him a congratulatory message.
역시 능력이 있으면 빨리 승진하는 것 같아요.
As expected, you get promoted quickly if you have the capability.
아무리 능력이 있어도 인간관계가 좋지 않으면 안 돼요.
No matter how capable you are, it is absolutely necessary to have a good relationship with others.
맞아요. 우빈 씨는 모든 사람들에게 참 잘하는 것 같아요.
Yes, you’re right. Mr. Woobin seems to be very nice to everyone.
성격도 좋고요.
He has a good personality, too.

V/A+ 지 않으면 안 돼요.
It is used to indicate an absolute necessity of a certain action or state. The short form is ‘안 V/A으면/면 안 돼요.‘ ’N이/가 아니면 안 돼요.‘ is used after a noun.

감기에 걸렸을 때는 푹 쉬지 않으면 안 돼요.
It is absolutely necessary to take a good rest when you catch a cold.

제가 동아리 회장이어서 모임에 가지 않으면 안 돼요.
It is absolutely necessary for me to attend the club meeting because I am the chair of the club.

이번 주까지 책을 반납하지 않으면 안 돼요.
It is absolutely necessary to return the books by this week.

Related words
승진하다 to get promoted
메시지 a message
역시 as expected
능력 capability
아무리 no matter how
인간관계 a relationship with others
모든 every
잘하다 to be nice, to be kind

See also  V+ 으나/나 마나

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