가뭄으로 인한 채소 값 고공 행진 Vegetable prices stay high due to drought

가뭄으로 인한 채소 값 고공 행진 Vegetable prices stay high due to drought

가뭄과 태풍으로 채소 값이 고공 행진을 이어가고 있습니다. 지난달 7~13일, 배추 10㎏의 평균
도매 가격은 전주보다 7.5% 상승한 7,499원이었습니다. 산지에 비가 많이 내려 시장 반입량이
줄었기 때문입니다. 무는 같은 기간 가격이 1만7,316원에서 2만1,052원으로 일주일 새
21.6% 올랐습니다. 재배 면적 감소와 잦은 비로 출하가 지연된 탓입니다. 배추와 무 도매 가격
은 가뭄이 본격화된 지난 5월부터 계속 평년보다 40∼50% 높은 수준을 유지하고 있습니다. 이
번 주도 태풍 여파로 출하 작업이 지연돼 채소 공급 물량이 줄어들 것이라는 우려가 나오고 있습니다.

Due to droughts and typhoons, vegetable prices are continuing to be high. From June 7 to June 13, the average wholesale price of 10 kilograms of cabbage was 7,499 won, which was 7.5% higher than the previous week. It’s because it had rained a lot in the producing region and the amount that went into the markets decreased. The price of white radish went up by 21.6% in just a week, from 17,316 won to 21,052 won. This is because shipments were delayed due to the decrease of cultivation area and frequent rains. The wholesale prices of cabbage and white radish are maintaining a level that is 40-50% higher than average since May, when the drought became more fullscale. Shipments were delayed again this week due to the aftereffect of the typhoon, so there are concerns that the amount of vegetable supplies will decrease.


Study Notes가뭄으로 인한 채소 값 고공 행진
= Vegetable prices stay high due to drought
•가뭄 drought
•채소 vegetable
•값 price
•고공 high altitude
•행진 parade

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가뭄과 태풍으로 채소 값이 고공 행진을 이어가고 있습니다.
= Due to droughts and typhoons, vegetable prices are continuing to be high.
•태풍 typhoon
•이어가다 to continue, to maintain

지난달 7~13일, 배추 10㎏의 평균 도매 가격은 전주보다 7.5% 상승한 7,499원이었습니다.
= From June 7 to June 13, the average wholesale price of 10 kilograms of cabbage was 7,499 won, which was 7.5% higher than the previous week.
•배추 cabbage
•평균 average
•도매 wholesale
•가격 price
•전주 last week
•상승하다 to increase

산지에 비가 많이 내려 시장 반입량이 줄었기 때문입니다.
= It’s because it had rained a lot in the producing region and the amount that went into the markets decreased.
•산지 producing area/district
•비가 내리다 to rain
•시장 market
•반입량 amount of bringing something into a certain place
•줄다 to decrease

무는 같은 기간 가격이 1만7,316원에서 2만1,052원으로 일주일 새 21.6% 올랐습니다.
= The price of white radish went up by 21.6% in just a week, from 17,316 won to 21,052 won.
•무 white radish
•기간 period
•새 between, during

재배 면적 감소와 잦은 비로 출하가 지연된 탓입니다.
= This is because shipments were delayed due to the decrease of cultivation area and frequent rains.
•재배 cultivation
•면적 area, extent
•감소 decrease
•잦다 to be frequent
•출하 shipment, forwarding
•지연되다 to be delayed
•탓 due to

배추와 무 도매 가격은 가뭄이 본격화된 지난 5월부터 계속 평년보다 40∼50% 높은 수준을 유
지하고 있습니다.
= The wholesale prices of cabbage and white radish are maintaining a level that is 40-50% higher than average since May, when the drought became more fullscale.
•본격화되다 to become earnest/full scale
•평년 average year
•수준 level
•유지하다 to maintain

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이번 주도 태풍 여파로 출하 작업이 지연돼 채소 공급 물량이 줄어들 것이라는 우려가 나오고 있습니다.
= Shipments were delayed again this week due to the aftereffect of the typhoon, so there are concerns that the amount of vegetable supplies will decrease.
•여파 aftereffect
•작업 work
•물량 supply, quantity
•우려 worry, concern

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