올 여름 휴가, 8월 첫째주에 40% 가량 몰려 – 40% of this summer’s vacations are in the first week of August

올 여름 휴가, 8월 첫째주에 40% 가량 몰려 
40% of this summer’s vacations are in the first week of August

이번 달 1일부터 7일까지 일주일간 올 여름철 피서객의 40%가량이 휴가를 떠날 것으로 조사됐습니다. 국토교통부는 지난 24일부터 오는 8월 9일까지 17일간을 “하계 휴가철 특별 교통 대책 기간”으로 정하고 관계 기관 합동으로 대책 시행에 들어간다고 밝혔습니다. 국토부는 이번 대책 기간 중에 올 여름 피서객의 70%가량이 몰릴 것으로 내다봤습니다. 국토부는 대중 교통 수송력 증강과 도로 소통 대책에 중점을 둘 계획입니다. 우선 하루 평균 철도 8회, 고속 버스 279회, 항공기 32편 등을 추가 증편해 대중 교통 수송력을 증강합니다. 또 교통량 분산을 위해 스마트폰 무료 앱, 인터넷 등을 통해 교통 정보를 실시간 제공할 계획입니다.

Survey says that from August 1 to August 7, about 40% of this summer’s vacationers will leave on vacation during this one week. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that they would designate the 17-day period from July 24 to August 9 as the “summertime special traffic countermeasure period” and carry out the measures in collaboration with related organizations. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport predicted that about 70% of this summer’s vacationers would flock (to vacation destinations) during this countermeasure period. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is planning to focus on the increase of carrying power of public transport and the measures to improve the flow of traffic on the road. First of all, they will increase the carrying power of public transport by adding 8 more train schedules, 279 express bus schedules, and 32 airplane schedules per day on average. Also in order to disperse the amount of traffic, they will offer real-time traffic information through free smartphone apps and through the Internet.

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Study Notes
올 여름 휴가, 8월 첫째주에 40% 가량 몰려
= 40% of this summer’s vacations are in the first week of August
•휴가 vacation
•가량 around, about
•몰리다 to flock

이번 달 1일부터 7일까지 일주일간 올 여름철 피서객의 40%가량이 휴가를 떠날 것으로 조사됐습니다.
= Survey says that from August 1 to August 7, about 40% of this summer’s vacationers will leave on vacation during this one week.
•피서객 summer vacationer
•떠나다 to leave
•조사되다 to be investigated

국토교통부는 지난 24일부터 오는 8월 9일까지 17일간을 “하계 휴가철 특별 교통 대책 기간”으로 정하고 관계 기관 합동으로 대책 시행에 들어간다고 밝혔습니다.
= The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that they would designate the 17-day period from July 24 to August 9 as the “summertime special traffic countermeasure period” and carry out the measures in collaboration with related organizations.
•국토교통부 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
•하계 summer
•휴가철 holiday season
•특별 special
•교통 transport
•대책 measure, countermeasure
•기간 period
•정하다 to decide
•관계 relation, related
•기관 organization
•합동 cooperation
•시행 enforcement, implementation
•들어가다 to go in, to start
•밝히다 to reveal, to convey

국토부는 이번 대책 기간 중에 올 여름 피서객의 70%가량이 몰릴 것으로 내다봤습니다.
= The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport predicted that about 70% of this summer’s vacationers would flock (to vacation destinations) during this countermeasure period.
•올(해) this year
•내다보다 to foresee

국토부는 대중 교통 수송력 증강과 도로 소통 대책에 중점을 둘 계획입니다.
= The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is planning to focus on the increase of carrying power of public transport and the measures to improve the flow of traffic on the road.
•대중 교통 public transport
•수송력 transport capacity, carrying power
•증강 reinforcement, strengthening
•도로 road
•소통 flow of traffic
•중점을 두다 to focus on
•계획 plan

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우선 하루 평균 철도 8회, 고속 버스 279회, 항공기 32편 등을 추가 증편해 대중 교통 수송력을
= First of all, they will increase the carrying power of public transport by adding 8 more train schedules, 279 express bus schedules, and 32 airplane schedules per day on average.
•우선 firstly, above all
•철도 railroad
•고속 버스 express bus
•항공기 aircraft
•추가 addition, supplement
•증편하다 to increase (the number of vehicles)

또 교통량 분산을 위해 스마트폰 무료 앱, 인터넷 등을 통해 교통 정보를 실시간 제공할 계획입니다.
= Also in order to disperse the amount of traffic, they will offer real-time traffic information through free smartphone apps and through the Internet.
•교통량 volume of traffic
•분산 dispersion
•무료 free of charge
•앱 application
•정보 information
•실시간 in real time, real-time
•제공하다 to provide


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