소리로 토마토 익는 속도 늦출 수 있어 You can slow down the ripening speed of tomatoes with sound.

소리로 토마토 익는 속도 늦출 수 있어 
You can slow down the ripening speed of tomatoes with sound.
농촌진흥청이 음파를 이용해 토마토의 익는 속도를 늦추는 기술을 개발했습니다. 연구진은 녹색으로 익은 상태인 토마토에 다양한 음역대의 단일 음파를 6시간 동안 들려주었습니다. 그 결과, 단일 음파로 처리된 토마토가 처리되지 않은 토마토보다 익는 속도가 현저히 지연되는 것이 확인되었습니다. 그 중 1㎑ 음파로 처리한 토마토는 무려 40%나 그 속도가 지연이 되어, 익는 속도의 절감 효과가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났습니다. 음파 처리 토마토의 경우 과일 숙성을 촉진하는 에틸렌이 아무 처리를 하지 않은 토마토와 비교해 35% 적게 발생했습니다. 호흡량도 무처리 토마토보다 33% 적었습니다. 농산물 저장에 쓰이는 각종 예냉기에 음파 처리 장비를 장착하면 에틸렌 발생 억제 효과로 저장성을 높일 수 있을 것으로 농진청은 예상하고 있습니다.

The Rural Development Administration has developed a technology that can slow down the ripening speed of tomatoes using sound waves. The research team played single sound waves in various ranges for 6 hours to tomatoes that had ripened in green. As a result, it has been verified that tomatoes treated with single sound waves had their ripening speed significantly slowed down than tomatoes that were not treated. Among them, tomatoes that were treated with a 1㎑ sound wave ripened at a speed that was as much as 40% slower and showed the best effect in slowing down the ripening speed. In the case of tomatoes treated with sound waves, they generated 35% less ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of fruits, compared to untreated tomatoes. The amount of breathing was also 33% less than untreated tomatoes. The Rural Development Administration predicts that if they install sound wave treatment equipment in various precoolers that are used for storing produce, they will be able to improve the storage quality by suppressing the generation of ethylene.



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Study Notes
소리로 토마토 익는 속도 늦출 수 있어
= You can slow down the ripening speed of tomatoes with sound.
•소리 sound
•익다 to ripen
•속도 speed
•늦추다 to delay
농촌진흥청이 음파를 이용해 토마토의 익는 속도를 늦추는 기술을 개발했습니다.
= The Rural Development Administration has developed a technology that can slow down the ripening speed of tomatoes using sound waves.
•농촌진흥청 Rural Development Administration
•음파 sound wave
•기술 technology
•개발하다 to develop
•연구진 researcher
연구진은 녹색으로 익은 상태인 토마토에 다양한 음역대의 단일 음파를 6시간 동안 들려주었습니다.
= The research team played single sound waves in various ranges for 6 hours to tomatoes that had ripened in green.
•녹색 green color
•상태 condition, state
•다양하다 to be various
•음역대 range, register (in sound)
•단일 single
•들려주다 to make something/someone listen to, to play a sound for someone
그 결과, 단일 음파로 처리된 토마토가 처리되지 않은 토마토보다 익는 속도가 현저히 지연되는것이 확인되었습니다.
= As a result, it has been verified that tomatoes treated with single sound waves had their ripening speed significantly slowed down than tomatoes that were not treated.
•처리되다 to be treated/settled
•현저히 remarkably, drastically
•지연되다 to be delayed
•확인되다 to be confirmed, to be verified
그 중 1㎑ 음파로 처리한 토마토는 무려 40%나 그 속도가 지연이 되어, 익는 속도의 절감 효과
가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났습니다.
= Among them, tomatoes that were treated with a 1㎑ sound wave ripened at a speed that was as much as 40% slower, and showed the best effect in slowing down the ripening speed.
•무려 whopping
•절감 reduction
•효과 effect
•우수하다 to be superior, to be great
•나타나다 to appear, to be revealed
음파 처리 토마토의 경우 과일 숙성을 촉진하는 에틸렌이 아무 처리를 하지 않은 토마토와 비교해 35% 적게 발생했습니다.
= In the case of tomatoes treated with sound waves, they generated 35% less ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of fruits, compared to untreated tomatoes.
•숙성 aging, maturing
•촉진하다 to promote, to accelerate
•비교하다 to compare
•발생하다 to take effect, to happen, to be generated
호흡량도 무처리 토마토보다 33% 적었습니다.
= The amount of breathing was also 33% less than untreated tomatoes.
•호흡량 amount of breathing
•무처리 untreated
•적다 to be few/little
농산물 저장에 쓰이는 각종 예냉기에 음파 처리 장비를 장착하면 에틸렌 발생 억제 효과로 저장 성을 높일 수 있을 것으로 농진청은 예상하고 있습니다.
= The Rural Development Administration predicts that if they install sound wave treatment equipment in various precoolers that are used for storing produce, they will be able to improve the storage quality by suppressing the generation of ethylene.
•농산물 agricultural product
•저장 storage
•쓰이다 to be used
•각종 every kind, all sorts of
•예냉기 precooler
•처리 treatment
•장비 equipment, gear
•장착하다 to be installed, to be equipped
•억제 inhibition, suppression
•저장성 storage quality
•높이다 to increase
•예상하다 to anticipate

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