V+ 어/아/여 가지고²

어제 집들이는 잘 했어?
Did you have a good housewarming party yesterday?
응, 그런데 내가 음식을 하나 잘못 만들었어.
Yes, but I made one dish wrong.
뭘 잘못 만들었는데?
What did you make wrong?
요리에 당근을 볶아 가지고 넣어야 하는데 그냥 넣었어.
I should have stir-fried carrots for the dish, but I put them without stir-frying them.
그러면 당근이 너무 딱딱하지 않아?
Then, weren’t the carrots too hard?
응, 그래서 손님들은 하나도 안 먹고 나 혼자 다 먹었어.
Yes, they were. So the guests didn’t eat it at all and I ate it all alone.

V+ 어/아/여 가지고²
It is used to connect actions of the preceding and the latter clauses consecutively in the order of time when the two actions are closely related. It is often used in regular conversation.

저는 시장에 갈 때 살 것을 적어 가지고 가요.
I write down things to buy first and then go to the market.

운동화를 깨끗하게 빨아 가지고 그늘에 말려 줘.
Please wash the sneakers first and then leave them to dry in the shadow.

집에서 공부를 해 가지고 오면 수업 시간에 이해가 잘될 거예요.
You can understand better if you study at home before you come to class.

Related words
요리 a dish
당근 a carrot
딱딱하다 to be hard
손님 a guest
빨다 to wash, to clean
그늘 shadow
말리다 to dry
이해가 되다 to understand

See also  V/A+ 을/ㄹ 때 Indicate the event in the latter clause occurs at the same time with the event in the preceding clause.

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