V+ 느니

V+ 느니

It is attached to the stem of an action verb to mean the behavior or the situation of the following clause is better than those of the preceding clause. Because the situation or the behavior of the following clause isn’t satisfactory, also, it is used with ‘차라리’ or ‘아예’.
혼자서 걱정만 하고 있느니 아예 속 시원히 말하는 게 낫겠어요.
I would rather speak out frankly than just be worried alone.
거액을 들여서 신제품을 개발하느니 차라리 기존의 모델을 보완하는 게 좋을 것 같습니다.
I think it would be better to supplement the existing model than to develop a new product at a high cost.
요즘 같이 경제가 안 좋을 때는 증권 투자를 하느니 적금을 드는 게 나을 거예요.
When the economy is in bad shape like these days, it would be better to use installment savings rather than investing in securities.
김 대리님, 안녕하세요? 보내 드린 견본은 보셨어요?
Hello, Mr. Kim. Have you seen the sample I sent you?
네, 지금 확인하고 있습니다. 시장조사 결과를 잘 반영하신 것 같은데요.
Yes, I’m checking it now. You seem to have well reflected the results of the market research.
시장의 요구를 반영하기 위해 최선을 다했는데 시장의 반응은 어떨지 확신이 안 서네요. 대리님도 좋은 의견 부탁드립니다.
I’ve done my best to reflect the market’s needs, but I’m not sure what the market’s reaction will be like. Please give me a good opinion of yours, too.
견본을 좀 더 다양하게 보면 좋겠습니다. 생산을 시작하면 중간에 중단할 수 없거든요.
I think it would be better to see more samples. Because we can’t stop halfway if we start production.
견본이 좀 더 있으니까 결재 절차를 밟아 보내드리도록 하겠습니다.
Since I have some more samples, I will send them to you after the approval process.
그럼, 이렇게 전화로 이야기하느니 차라리 제가 직접 가서 다양한 견본을 보고 싶은데요.
Well, I’d rather go and see a variety of samples myself rather than talk on the phone like this.
Related words
견본 sample
중단 stop halfway
결재가 나다 to be approved
(절차를) 밟다 to go through (procedure), to take (steps)
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  V/A+ 는다는/ㄴ다는/다는 N

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