V/A + 는데/은데/ㄴ데 당연히 V/A+ 었지/았지/였지.

V/A + 는데/은데/ㄴ데 당연히 V/A + 었지/았지/였지.

V/A + 는데/은데/ㄴ데 당연히 V/A+ 었지/았지/였지 indicates that the content of a following clause is inevitable in the situation of a preceding clause. It is used to respond to the listener’s question about what the speaker has experienced or done already.

For an action verb you use ‘-는데/은데/ㄴ데’, after the stem of ‘있다’ and ‘없다’ you use ‘-는데’. After the stem of a descriptive verb that ends with ‘ㄹ,’ you use ‘-ㄴ데’. If the stem of a descriptive verb ends with another consonant, you use ‘-은데’.

For ‘-었지/았지/였지’, if the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with ‘ㅏ,ㅗ’, you use ‘-았지’, with other vowels (ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ) you use ‘-었지’. If it ends with ‘하-‘, you use ‘였지(했지)’.

가: 주말에 뭐 했어?
What did you do during the weekend?
나: 월요일에 시험 보는데 당연히 공부했지.
Of course, I studied. I have a test on Monday.

가: 점심 먹었어?
Did you have lunch?
나: 시간이 몇 시인데 당연히었지.
It’s already after the proper time, of course, I ate it.

가: 방학동안 스웨덴에 갔었다면서? 춥지 않았어?
I heard you went to Sweden during the vacation. Wasn’t it cold?
나: 겨울인데 당연히웠지. 요즘이 제일 추울 때잖아.
Of course, it was cold in winter. It’s the coldest time these days.


어제 축구 경기 봤어?
Did you watch the soccer game yesterday?

중요한 경기인데 당연히 봤지. 그런데 어떻게 한 골도 못 넣어.
Of course, I saw it. It was an important match. But how could they don’t even score one goal?

See also  V+ 는 대로 V+ 을게요/ㄹ게요.

그러게 말이야. 골 점유율은 모두 우리가 앞섰는데 지다니!
Yeah. I can’t believe we lost after we were ahead of the ball possession rate all the time!

맞아. 난 우리 팀이 계속 공을 차지하고 있어서 이길 줄 알았어.
You’re right. I thought we would win because our team kept the ball all the time.

기회가 있을 때는 빠르게 공격을 해야 하는데 그렇게 하지 못하더라.
They had to attack quickly when they had the chance, but they couldn’t.

게다가 공격수 한 명한테만 의존해서 경기를 하니 상대팀이 그 선수만 막았잖아.
Besides, the team relied on only one striker and the other team stopped the player only.

멋지게 슛을 했는데도 두 번이나 골대에 맞고 나갈 땐 절망적이더라.
I felt desperate when the ball hit the goalpost even twice although those were good shots.

그래도 우리 팀이 역사상 처음으로 결승전까지 갔으니 만족하자.
Still, let’s be satisfied that our team went to the finals for the first time in history.

Related words
앞서다 to be ahead of
공격수 striker
의존 reliance
막다 to stop
슛(shoot) shoot
골대 goal post
절망적 desperate
역사상 in history

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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