이/그/저 N은/는 N이에요/예요.


이/그/저 N은/는 N이에요/예요.

이’ is used in front of a noun to refer to something close to the speaker.(ex: 이 책-this book, 이 사람-this person, 이것-this, 이쪽-here)

‘그’ is used in front of a noun to refer to something close to the listener. (ex: 그 책-the book, 그 사람-the person, 그것-the thing, 그쪽-there)

‘저’ is used with a noun to refer to something that is far from both the speaker and the listener. (ex: 저 책-that book, 저 사람-that person, 저것-that, 저쪽-over there)

사람 기자예요. 
This person is a reporter.
건물 기숙사예요. 
That building is a dormitory.
That mountain is Seoraksan.
사람 누구예요? Who is that person?
 사람 흐엉 씨예요. That person is Ms. Huong.
베트남 사람이에요? Is she Vietnamese?
네, 베트남 사람이에요. Yes, she is Vietnamese.
사람 a person
베트남 사람 (a) Vietnamese.
기자 a reporter
건물 a building
기숙사 a dormitory
a mountain

설악산 Seoraksan, Mt. Seorak

See also  V/A+ 으면/면 돼요.


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