아무 N이나/나 Indicate things or people do not particularly matter or not distinguished from each other

취직을 축하해. 요즘 취직하기 어려운데.
Congratulations on getting a job. It’s difficult to get a job these days.
고마워. 내가 한턱낼게. 무슨 요일이 제일 한가해?
Thanks. I will give you a treat. What day is the least busy day?
난 이번 주에는 아무 괜찮아.
Any time this week is fine with me.
그럼 이번 주 토요일 어때?
Then, how about this Saturday?
좋아. 그런데 언제부터 출근해?
Good. Then, when do you start your work?
이번 달에는 연수를 받고 다음 달 첫째 주 월요일부터 출근할 거야.
I get training this month. I will start my work on Monday of the first week of next month.

아무 N이나/나
It is used to indicate things or people do not particularly matter or they are not distinguished from each other. ‘아무나‘ is used for people. ‘이/가’ and ‘을/를‘ can be used without ‘이나/나’ but ‘이나/나‘ should be added after other suffixes. (e.g. 제 동생은 아무곳에서나 잘 자요. (My younger sister/brother sleeps well at any places.))

우리 아이는 아무 음식이나 잘 먹어서 좋아요.
It’s good that my child eats any kind of food well.

심심하니까 아무이나 주세요.
Please give me any kind of book since I am bored.

나는 아무 영화 봐도 돼. 영화는 다 좋아하니까.
I’m OK with any movies. I like all kinds of movies.

Related words
취직 getting a job
이번 달 this month
연수 training
첫째 the first
The following are ordinal numbers; 첫째(the first), 둘째(the second), 셋째(the third), 넷째(the fourth), 다섯째(the fifth), 여섯째(the sixth), 일곱째(the seventh), 여덟째(the eighth), 아홉째(the ninth), 열째(the tenth) and so on.
주 a week
아이 a child, a kid

See also  N이/가 몇 N 있어요?

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