V/A+ 어/아/여 가지고¹

늦어서 미안해. 오래 기다렸지?
Sorry, I’m late. Have you waited long?
무슨 일 있었어?
What happened?
응, 내가 버스를 잘못 타 가지고 다른 곳으로 갔어.
I took the wrong bus, so I went somewhere else.
어디로 갔는데?
Where did you go?
시청까지 갔어.
I went to the city hall.
그렇게 멀리 갔어? 고생했네.
Did you go that far? You must have had a hard time.

V/A+ 어/아/여 가지고¹
It is used to indicate the contents of the preceding clause are the cause or reason of the contents of the latter clause in regular conversation.

When an action verb stem or a descriptive verb stem ends in ‘ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅗ’ use ‘-아 가지고‘, and when it ends in a vowel except for ‘ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅗ’, use ‘-어 가지고‘. When it ends in ‘하다’, use ‘-여 가지고‘.

저는 점심을 너무 많이 먹어 가지고 배가 하나도 안 고파요.
I ate too much for lunch, so I’m not hungry at all.

지하철 안에 사람이 너무 많아 가지고 간신히 탔어요.
There were so many people inside the subway train, so I barely got in.

제가 너무 피곤해 가지고 주말 내내 잤어요.
I was too tired, so I slept through all weekend.

Related words
멀리 far
하나도 not at all
간신히 barely
내내 through all

See also  V/A+ 는다기보다는/ㄴ다기보다는/다기보다는

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