V+나 봐요., A+ 은/ㄴ가 봐요.

어제 맡긴 구두 찾으러 왔는데요.
I am here to pick up the shoes that I left yesterday.
여기 있습니다. 굽도 갈고 깨끗하게 닦았습니다.
Here they are. I changed the heels and polished the shoes
정말 새것처럼 반짝거리네요. 감사합니다. 그런데 구둣방에서 가방도 고치나 봐요. 가방도 있네요.
They shine as if they were new ones. Thank you. By the way, at your shoe repair shop, I guess you are fixing bags, too.
네, 가방과 우산도 고칩니다. 혹시 맡기실 것 있으세요?
Yes, I fix bags and umbrellas, too. By any chance, do you have anything to leave?
네, 집에 조금 찢어진 가방이 있는데 그런 것도 고칠 수 있나요?
Yes, I have a bag at home that is torn a little bit. Can you fix things like that?
그럼요. 다음에 시간 나실 때 가져오세요.
Of course. Please bring it to me next time when you have time.

V+나 봐요.
A+ 은/ㄴ가 봐요.
It is used to make a guess by a fact or situation.

‘-나 봐요‘ is used after an action verb stem. When a descriptive verb stem ends in a consonant, use ‘-은가 봐요’, and when it ends in a vowel, use ‘-ㄴ가 봐요‘. ’인가 봐요‘ is used after a noun.

제 남동생이 전화를 안 받는 걸 보니까 지금 자나 봐요.
My younger brother is not answering the phone. I guess he is sleeping now.

그 가수 콘서트 티켓이 금방 매진된 걸 보니까 그 가수는 인기가 정말 많은가 봐요.
The tickets for that singer’s concert are all sold out quickly. I guess the singer is really popular.

요즘 우빈 씨가 모임에 자주 안 나와요. 우빈 씨가 바쁜가 봐요.
Mr. Woobin doesn’t come to the meeting often these days. I guess he is busy.

See also  V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 것 같던데

Related words
반짝거리다 to shine
구둣방 a shoe repair shop
찢어지다 to be torn
무겁다 to be heavy
티켓 a ticket
모임에 나오다 to come to a meeting

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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