V+ 어/아/여 달라다

단체 채팅방에 공지사항이 올라왔는데 이번 주 경제학 수업이 휴강이래.
A notice has been posted in the group chat room that this week’s economic class has been canceled.
기말고사 때문에 보강해야 할 텐데 교수님이 언제 하신대?
We should have a makeup lesson (class) for final exams; when will the professor have one?
교수님께서 학생들에게 보강이 가능한 날짜를 채팅방에 올려 달라셨어.
The professor asked the students to post a possible date for a makeup lesson (class) in the chatroom.
나도 채팅방을 확인해야겠다. 그런데 설마 주말에 보강하지는 않겠지?
I should check the chat room, too. But, it’s highly improbable that he’s going to have a makeup lesson (class) on the weekends, right?
지금까지 채팅방에 글이 올라온 것으로 봐서는 다음 주말에 할 것 같아.
Since it has been posted on the group chat room till now, It seems like it will be next week.
난 주말에는 시간을 낼 수 없는데 보강도 출결 확인을 할까?
I cannot spare time on the weekends, do you they will check attendance (and/or absence)?

V+ 어/아/여 달라다
As it is attached to an action verb’s stem, it is used when the speaker transfer or deliver what he heard his contents of demanding or requesting. ‘-어/아/여 달라고 하다’ is the expression of an abbreviation form which is indirect quotation expression of ‘-어/아/여 주십시오’ that the original speaker requires to the listener to whom could to do his behavior for himself, the speaker.

‘-어/아/여 주라고 하다’ is used when the behavior of the listener is influential to the other person besides the speaker.’-아 달라다’ is used when the last syllable of an action verb’s stem is ‘ㅏ, ㅗ’. Other than that, ‘-어 달라다’ is used, if the other vowels are ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ. ‘-여(해) 달라다’ is used if ‘하-‘ is used.

See also  V+ 지 않을래요? Euphemistically ask the listener's intention or opinion about something

영수가 자기가 준비한 파티에 모두 참석해 달래.
Young Su wants everyone to participate in his party that he’s prepared for.

스티브 씨가 그 일을 주말까지 모두 끝내 달랍니다.
Mr. Steve asks that all tasks should be completed all by the weekend.

동생이 과자를 사 달래서 슈퍼마켓에 가는 길이야.
I am on the way to Super Market due to my younger sibling asking me to buy him a snack.

Related words
단체 채팅방 group chatroom
공지사항 notice
경제학 economics
휴강 cancel a class (lecture)
기말고사 finals
보강 makeup lesson (class)
출결 attendance (and/or absence)


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