V+ 어/아/여 보세요. Suggest trying something.
V+ 어/아/여 보세요. It is used to suggest trying something. 이거 정말 맛있어요. 한번 드셔 보세요. This is really delicious. Please try it. 그 식당에 꼭 가 보세요. Please try...
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V+ 어/아/여 보세요. It is used to suggest trying something. 이거 정말 맛있어요. 한번 드셔 보세요. This is really delicious. Please try it. 그 식당에 꼭 가 보세요. Please try...
무슨 N을/를(어떤 N을/를, 언제,…) __는데요? It is used to ask a question softly while expecting a response from the listener with an interrogative such as which, what, or when. 어떤...
V+ 어/아/여 볼까요? It is used to suggest trying some action. 우리 소파의 위치를 바꿔 볼까요? Shall we switch the position of the sofa? 저쪽에서 공연을 하는 것 같은데 한번...
V+ (으)려고 하는데요. It is used to indicate the plan or intention to do something while expecting a response from the listener. 증명사진을 찍으려고 하는데요. I am planning to take...
V+ 는 중이에요. It is used to indicate that a certain action is taking place or continuing. 저는 목욕을 하려고 욕조에 물을 받는 중이에요. I am filling the bathtub with...
V/A+ 어도/아도/여도 돼요. It is used to express permission. 아이들은 금방 크니까 옷이 조금 커도 돼요. Kids grow up so quickly that they can wear a little bigger clothes. 자리가...
V+ 을/ㄹ 건데요. It is used to state a plan while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end a conversation...
못 V+ 는데요. It is the negation of ‘V+ 는데요.’ to express the inability to do something. 이 책은 한자가 많아서 못 읽는데요. I can’t read this book because it...
N인데요. It is used after a noun to state a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end...
V+ 을까/ㄹ까 해요. It is used to indicate that the intention or plan of the first-person speaker is not certain yet, but the speaker has some intention to act. 저는...
V/A+ 으니까/니까¹ V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다. It is used to show that the former clause is the reason for the judgment expressed in the latter clause of the sentence for suggestion. When...
V/A+ 을/ㄹ 때 It is used to indicate the event in the latter clause occurs at the same time as the event in the preceding clause. 제가 밥을 먹을 때 전화가...
V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 It is used to indicate a contrasting relationship between the preceding clause and the latter clause. 저는 독서를 좋아하는데 요즘 시간이 없어서 독서를 못 해요. I like reading...
V/A+ 는데요/은데요/ㄴ데요. It is used to state a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener. It is usually used when you do not want to end a conversation...
어떤 여자를 좋아해요? What type of woman do you like? 저는 밝고 착한 여자가 좋아요. I like a cheerful and kind woman. 제 친구를 소개해 줄까요? Shall I introduce my...
A+ 게 It is used to indicate the mode or extent of activity in the latter clause. 머리를 좀 짧게 잘라 주세요. Please cut my hair short. 저는 오늘 아침에...
V/A+ 겠어요. It is used to express the speaker’s assumption or supposition. 집이 멀어서 출퇴근 시간이 많이 걸리겠어요. Your commute must be because your house is far from your work....
V+ 은/ㄴ 지 N 됐어요. It is used to indicate how much time has passed since someone has done something. 고향 음식을 먹은 지 한 달 됐어요. It’s been one...
V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 없어요. It is used to indicate the absence of past experience. 저는 상을 받은 적이 없어요. I have not received a prize before. 저는 외국에 산 적이...
지금까지 V+은/ㄴ N 중에서 어디가(무엇이) 제일 A+ 었/았/였어요? It is used to ask about the best of all the past experiences. 지금까지 읽은 책 중에서 무엇이 제일 재미있었어요? What is...