V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 있어요. Indicate the existence of past experience.
V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 있어요. It is used to indicate the existence of past experience. 저는 길을 잃은 적이 있어요. I have gotten lost before. 저는 기차를 놓친 적이 있어요. I...
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V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 있어요. It is used to indicate the existence of past experience. 저는 길을 잃은 적이 있어요. I have gotten lost before. 저는 기차를 놓친 적이 있어요. I...
V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 __? It is used to ask questions related to the contents in the preceding clause. 저는 수영을 좋아하는데 우빈 씨는 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? I like swimming; Mr Woobin,...
V+ (으)려고 It is used to express the intention or purpose to do a certain action. It can’t be used in the suggestion or imperative sentence. 저는 친구들과 같이 먹으려고...
N부터 It is used to express that the action should be done first before other actions. 저는 식사하기 전에 손부터 씻어요. I wash my hands before I eat. 제 동생은...
V+ 어야/아야/여야 해요(돼요). It is used to indicate necessary or obligatory actions to do something or reach a certain situation. 해외여행을 가기 전에 여권을 만들어야 해요. You should have a...
안 V+ 어/아/여 봤어요. It is used to indicate no prior attempt or experience of trying something. 저는 선물을 아직 안 열어 봤어요. I haven’t opened the gift yet. 제가...
V+ 어/아/여 봤어요. It is used to indicate a prior attempt or experience of trying something. 저는 종이로 새를 접어 봤어요. I have tried folding a paper bird before. 저는...
V+ (으)려고요. It is used to express an intention to do a certain action casually. 저는 오후에 도서관에 가서 자료를 찾으려고요. I am going to look for some data in...
A+ 어/아/여졌어요. It is the past form of ‘A+ 어/아/여져요.’ It is used to indicate a change into a certain state has happened. 이사를 해서 회사가 멀어졌어요. I moved, so...
V/A+ (으)면 A+ 어/아/여져요. It is used to indicate a change into a certain state when an event in the preceding clause happens. 국이 식으면 맛없어져요. When the soup cools...
___ 때문이다 It is used to indicate the cause of the foregoing. 서연 씨가 남자 친구와 헤어진 것은 성격 차이 때문이에요? Is it because of personality differences that Ms. Seoyon...
V/A+ 기 때문에 It is used to indicate that the content of the preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause. It cannot be used in an...
N이기 때문에 It is used to indicate that the characteristic of a noun in a preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause. It cannot be used...
N 때문에 It is used to indicate the preceding noun is the cause or reason of the latter clause. It cannot be used in an imperative or suggestion sentence. 저는...
V/A+ 고요. It is used to add more content to the preceding sentence. When the noun comes before, ‘도’ is added. 생일 파티에서 재미있는 이야기를 많이 했어요. 맛있는 음식도 많이...
V+ 는 것 같다 It is used to express uncertainty concerning the present act. See more: N인 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning the noun. A+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 Express uncertainty...
V/A+ 을/ㄹ 것 같다 It is used to simply guess about things before confirming the facts. When it is a noun, use ‘N일 것 같다’. ‘-었을/았을/였을 것 같다’ is used...
V+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 It is used to express uncertainty concerning a certain act that the speaker believes has been completed. See more: N인 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning the...
N인 것 같다 It is used to express uncertainty concerning the noun. See more: A+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning a certain state. V+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 Express uncertainty...
A+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 It is used to express uncertainty concerning a certain state. See more: N인 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning the noun. V+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 Express uncertainty...