[KIIP level 5] Lesson 7: 한국의 도시와 농촌 South Korea’s urban and rural areas.

<Page 39> SECTION 1: 한국 도시의 특징과 변화 알기


•산업화: industrialization
•진행되다: to progress
•과정: process
•도시화: urbanization
•현상: phenomenon, status quo, current state
•넘다: to exceed; to go beyond, to go over
•거주하다: to reside; to dwell; to habitat
•인구: population
•절반: half
•집중되다: To be concentrated on; to be devoted to
•시설: facility; installation
•자리(를) 잡다: to take one’s place, to take one’s seat
•여가: leisure; spare time; free time
•특성상: characteristic, nature
•도로: road
•비하다: to compare; to be comparable
•대체로: roughly, mostly; mainly

•갖추어지다: to be equipped
•여기다: to regard; to think; to count
•겪다: To go through; to undergo
•증가하다: To grow; to rise
•부족해지다: to fall short of something
•주차 공간: parking space
•부족: shortage, lack
•환경오염: environmental pollution
•심각해지다: To get serious
•이러하다: such; of this kind; of this sort
•해결하다: to solve; to settle; to resolve; to fix
•신도시: new town; new city
•확대: expansion; enlargement; increase
•확충: increase; expansion; replenishment
•교통체계: traffic system
•정비: overhaul, maintenance, renovation, repair
•하수: sewage
•녹지 공간: green space
•기울이다: to devote, to concentrate one’s sincerity or efforts into one.


늘어나다: to increase; to swell
재배하다: to grow; to cultivate
마련하다: to prepare; to arrange
자연: nature
전원생활:country life, rural life
활성화하다: to boost; to revitalize; to invigorate

<Page 40> Section 2: 농촌의 특징과 변화 알기


•핵심: key; core; center
•종사하다: To work; to engage in; to be devoted; to dedicate oneself
•거주하다: to reside; to dwell; to habitat
•닌구수: population
•지역: area; region
•친밀하다: close; intimate
•부족해지다: to fall short
•젊은: young, youthful
•보살피다: to look after, to take care of, to care for
•각종: varieties; all kinds; all sorts
•부족하다: insufficient
•겪다: to go through; to undergo
•지방자치단체: local autonomous entity
•노력을 기울이다: To make an effort
•기술개발: technical development (TD); engineering development
•고치다: to repair; to mend; to heal
•의료: medical care; medical service; medical treatment
•오히려: on the contrary
•그만두다: To stop
•귀농: to return to the farm (A move out of the city, after quitting a job, to a rural area to start farming)
•귀촌: to return to one’s home village; return home.
•주목하다: to watch; to pay attention
•현상: status quo; current state

늘어나다: to increase; to swell
귀농: to return to the farm (A move out of the city, after quitting a job, to a rural area to start farming)
인구: population
벗어나다: to go out of
바라다: to want; to hope; to wish
점차: gradually
통계청: National Statistical Office (NSO)
가구: household
연속: continuity
연령별로: By age
절반: half
차지하다: to possess; to own, to take up
급증하다: increase rapidly
추세: trend, tendency, drift
펼치다: to open; to spread out
창업: founding
아이템: item

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