[KIIP level 5] Lesson 8: 한국의 의료와 안전 생활 Health and safety in South of Korea

<Page 43> SECTION 1: 한국에서 의료 기관은 어떻게 이용할까?  


전문적 : professional
처방: prescription
비용: cost; expense
치료: cure; treatment
검사: examination; inspection
혹은: or; if not/ sometimes; from time to time
전체: whole
의료비: medical expenses; medical bill
일부: part; some; portion; fraction
국민건강보험공단: National Health Insurance Corporation
발급하다: to issue
주위: surrounding area
찾아보다: to visit
동네: neighborhood; village
의원: clinic; medical office
배탈: stomachache; upset stomach; stomach upset
비교적: being comparative
가볍다: light; insignificant
증상: symptom
외과: surgery; department of surgery
치과: dental surgery; dentistry; dentist’s office; dental clinic
피부과: dermatology; department of dermatology
내과: internal department
운영하다: to manage; to operate; to run
예방접종: vaccination; inoculation
각종: varieties; all kinds; all sorts
검사: examination; inspection
물리치료: physical therapy
-는/-은/ -ㄴ 편이다: An expression used to indicate that something has a certain tendency or is classified as such, instead of being sure of it. (https://sayhikorean.blogspot.com/2018/09/korean-grammar-expressing-attributes.html)
세밀하다: detailed
상급: higher class; upper grade; advanced level; being superior
진료의뢰서: medical treatment request
만약: supposing
갑자기: suddenly; all of a sudden
응급환자: emergency patient
우선: first of all; to begin with; before everything
대원: member; fellow; crew
현장: field; spot; scene; site
응급처치: first aid
응급실: ER; emergency room
데리다: to bring with
데려다주다 = 데려다가 주다

-별 : A suffix used to mean “according to something.”
몇 가지: how many kinds / ways; several kinds / ways.
정해지다: to be set, to be arranged, to be decided, to be determined
도둑: steal, thief
범죄: crime
해양사고: marine accident

<Page 44> SECTION 2: 한국에서는 안전한 생활을 위해 어떤 노력을 기울이고 있을까? 

안전하다: safe
노력을 기울이다: to make an effort
재난: disaster
범죄: crime
각종: varieties; all kinds; all sorts
생명: life
재산: asset; property
지키다: guard; defend
상태: condition; state
정착시키다: to have someone settle, to make something take root
파손되다: to be damaged; to be broken
도로: road
미흡하다: insufficient; unsatisfactory

안내표지판: directional sign
노후된 건축물: old building
안전시설: safety facilities
제대로: right, well
갖추어지다: to be equipped
여객선: passenger ship; passenger boat
철도: rail; railroad
캠핑장: camping ground
요소: element; component; factor; requisite
주도하다: lead
전개하다: to conduct, to unfold; to expand
의식: consciousness, awareness
높이다: to make higher
분야: field; sphere
실천: practice; action
과제: task, assignment
정하다: to decide, to define; to set
실시하다: to execute; to enforce; to implement
점검: inspection
비롯하다: to start; to begin
설치하다: to install
이루어지다: to be done; to be formed, to be achieved, to consist of, to be made up of
그럼에도 불구하고: nevertheless, yet, (formal) nonetheless
우선: first of all; to begin with; before everything
침착하게: calmly
상황: situation; condition
자세히: in detail; minutely
당하다: to undergo pain, to reach, to overcome
다면: https://sayhikorean.blogspot.com/2018/09/korean-grammar-expressing-hypothetical.html
당황하다: embarrassed; bewildered; disconcerted
차례대로: In turn
대피하다: to evacuate; to take shelter
Ngữ pháp 도록: https://sayhikorean.blogspot.com/2018/09/korean-grammar-giving-recommendations_17.html
무엇보다: above all, most of all
평소: ordinary times
관심을 가지다: to have interests, to be interested in, to care about something
살피다: to examine; to check
발견하다: to discover; to find
건의하다: to suggest; to propose
예방하다: to prevent

불길하다: ominous; inauspicious
숫자 : number; figure
미신적: superstitious
예방의식 : Preventive consciousness
이라도 : even

See also  [KIIP level 5] Lesson 7: 한국의 도시와 농촌 South Korea's urban and rural areas.

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