[Korean grammar] ‘ㄹ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation)

아이가 혼자서 잘 놉니다.
The girl plays well by herself.

백화점이 몇 시에 여는지 알고 싶어요.
I’d like to know what time the department store opens.

지금 만드는 게 뭐예요?
What are you making?

Grammar Focus:
For verb and adjective stems that end in ㄹ, ㄹ is omitted without exception when adding an ending that begins withㄴ, ㅂ or ㅅ . However, when an ending that begins with -으 is added to such a stem, even thoughㄹ remains as a final consonant, it is treated as a vowel, and therefore -으 is omitted.

When -(으)ㄹ is added to stems ending in ㄹ, such as -(으)ㄹ 때, -(으)ㄹ 게요 and -(으)ㄹ 래요?, -(으)ㄹ is omitted, and the stem attaches directly to the ending. 
A: 살을 좀 빼고 싶어요. I want to lose some weight.
B: 그러면 케이크나 초콜릿 같은 음식을 먹지 마세요.
In that case, stop eating sweets like cake and chocolate.

A: 전자 사전을 어디 에서 싸게 파는지 아세요?
Do you know where I can get an electronic dictionary for a good price?
B: 용산에서 전자 제품을 싸게 파니까 가 보세요.
Go to Yongsan. They sell electronics cheap there.

A: 우리 집은 머니까 학교 다니기 힘들어요.
Our house is far from school, so it’s hard to commute.
B: 학교 근처로 이사 오는 게 어때요?
Then why don’t you move someplace closer to school?

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See also  [Basic Korean Grammar] Verb/ Adj + ㅂ니다/습니다: The present tense of the formal polite style in Korean

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