[Korean grammar] V-거나

아침에 빵을 먹거나 우유를 마셔요.
In the morning, I (either) eat bread or drink milk.

주말에 음악을 듣거나 영화를 볼 거 예요.
On the weekend, I plan to listen to music or watch a movie.

바쁘거나 가방이 무거울 때 택시를 타요.
I take a taxi when I’m busy or my bag is too heavy.

Grammar Focus:
거나 is added to the stem of a verb or adjective to express a choice between that verb or adjective and the one following it. It means the same as ‘or’ in English. Usually, it is used only once to connect two verbs or adjectives, but it can also be used to connect three or more. In the case of adjectives and verbs, -거나 is added to the verb stem, but in the case of nouns, -이나 is added.

A: 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? What will you do this weekend?
B: 운동을 할 거예요. 테니스를 치거나 수영을 할 거예요.
I’ll go exercise. I’ll (either) play tennis or go swimming.

A: 목이 아파요. I have a sore throat.
B: 그럼 생강차를 마시거나 사탕을 드세요.
Then (you should) drink some ginger tea or eat some candy.

A: 결혼기념 일에 뭐 할 거예요?
What will you do on your wedding anniversary?
B: 여행을 가거나 외식을 할 거예요.
(We’ll) take a trip or go out to eat.

>> Full of ‘Korean grammar in use – Beginner’: Click here

See also  [Korean grammar] A/V-아/어도 되다

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