[Korean grammar] V-아/어 보다 Trying New Things and Experiences

갈비를 먹어 봤어요?
Have you tried Korean ribs?

한번 입어 보세요.
Please try it on.

제주도에 가 보고 싶어요.
I want to visit Jeju Island.

Grammar Focus:
-아/어 보다 expresses trying out or experiencing an action, and corresponds to ‘try’ in English. When the verb stem ends in ㅏ or ㅗ, -아 보다 is used. Otherwise -어 보다 is used. For verbs that end in 하다, the form changes to -해 보다.
In general, when used with the present tense, it expresses trying something, and when used with the past tense, it expresses having the experience of doing something.

• 김치가 맛있어요. 김치를 먹어 보세요. 
Kimchi tastes good. Please try some kimchi. (try)

• 김치를 먹어 봤어요. 맛있었어요.
I’ve had kimchi. It tastes good, (experience)

A: 이 신발 신어 봐도 돼요? May I try on these shoes?
B: 네, 신어 보세요. Yes, please try them on.

A: 한국 친구가 있어요? Do you have any Korean friends?
B: 아니요, 없어요. 한국 친구를 사귀어 보고 싶어요.
No, I don’t. I would like to (have the chance to) make Korean friends.

A: 막걸리를 마셔 봤어요? Have you tried drinking Korean rice wine?
B: 아니요, 안 마셔 봤어요. 어떤 맛이에요?
No, I haven’t tried it yet. What does it taste like?

When -아/어 보다 is used to express the experience of something, it is not used together with the verb 보다.
• 한국 영화를 봐 봤어요. (X)
->한국 영화를 본 적이 있어요. (〇) I’ve seen a Korean movie.

See also  [Korean grammar] V-아/어 주세요, V-아/어 주시겠어요? Making Requests and Assisting

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