[Korean grammar] V-(으)려고 하다 Purpose and Intention

여름휴가 때 여행을 하려고 해요.
I plan to travel during the summer vacation.

결혼하면 아이를 두 명 낳으려고 해요.
I intend to have two children once I’m married.

방학 동안 운전을 배우려고 했어요. 그런데 팔을 다쳐서 못 배웠어요.
I had planned on learning how to drive during the vacation. But I injured my arm and wasn’t able to.

Grammar Focus:
-(으)려고 expresses the subject’s intention or plan that has yet to be acted upon. It means ‘plan to’ or ‘intend to’ in English. When the verb stem ends in a vowel or ㄹ, -려고 하다 is used, and when the stem ends in a consonant, -으려고 하다 is used. Moreover, while -(으)려고 했다 is the past tense form of -(으)려고 하다, it is used when the intended action or plan did not materialize as expected.

A: 보너스를 받으면 뭐 할 거예요?
What will you do once you get your bonus?
B: 새 차를 사려고 해요. I plan to buy a new car.

A: 대학교를 졸업하면 무엇을 할 거예요?
What do you plan to do after you graduate?
B: 대학원에서 공부를 더 하려고 해요.
I intend to continue my studies at graduate school.
A: 저는 회사에 취직하려고 해요.
I plan on getting a job at a company.

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See also  [Korean grammar] V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다, V-(으)ㄹ 줄 모르다 Ability and Possibility

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