N에 비해서 Indicate the noun is the object of comparison

노트북 새로 샀어? 처음 보는 거 같은데.
Did you buy a new notebook computer? It seems that I see it for the first time.
응, 노트북이 오래돼서 새로 샀어.
Yes, I bought a new one because my previous notebook computer was too old.
이거 TV 광고에서 봤어.
I saw it on a TV commercial.
나도 광고를 보고 디자인이 마음에 들어서 이걸 사고 싶었어.
I saw the commercial and I liked the design, so I wanted to buy this.
신제품인데 비싸지 않아?
Isn’t it expensive because it’s a brand new product.
네이버에서 최저가를 검색해서 샀어. 백화점에 비해서 인터넷 쇼핑몰이 값이 싸.
I bought it after searching for the lowest price at Naver. The Internet shopping malls are cheaper compared to department stores.

N에 비해서
It is used to indicate the noun in front of ‘에 비해서‘ is the object of comparison. The short form is ‘에 비해’.

전에 다닌 회사에 비해서 지금 회사가 월급이 많아요.
The salary of the current company is higher compared to that of the previous company that I worked for before.

언니에 비해서 동생이 공부를 잘해요.
The younger one studies better compared to her older sister.

작년에 비해서 올해 채소값이 많이 올랐어요.
The price of vegetables has risen a lot compared to last year.

Related words
노트북 a notebook computer
오래되다 to be old
광고 a commercial, an advertisement
네이버 Naver
최저가 검색 searching the lowest price
인터넷 쇼핑몰 an Internet shopping mall
채소값 a price of vegetables
오르다 to rise, to increase

See also  V/A+ 었/았/였으면 좋겠어요. Express the speaker’s wishes.

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