N이나/나² Choose the one that is easy to choose though it is not the best choice among many


It is used to choose the one that is easy to choose though it is not the best choice among many.
When it ends in a particle-like ‘을/를’ or ‘이/가’, use ‘이나/나’ after omitting them. When it ends in ‘에’, ‘에서’, ‘으로/로’, use ‘에나’, ‘에서나’, ‘으로나/로나’ without omission.
(e.g. 오늘은 바쁘니까 다음 주에나 만납시다. (I am busy today, so let’s meet next week.))

오늘은 추우니까 밖에 나가서 놀지 말고 집에서 보드게임이나 하자.
It’s cold today. So let’s not play outside. Let’s play a board game at home.
저녁은 간단하게 샌드위치 먹을까요?
Shall we eat sandwiches for a simple dinner?
생일 선물을 준비할 시간이 없으니까 그냥 케이크사 주자.
We don’t have time to prepare a birthday present. So let’s just buy a cake.
주말에 케이팝(K-pop) 콘서트 보러 가자.
Let’s go and see a K-pop concert on the weekend.
누가 나오는데?
Who’s performing?
요즘 인기 있는 케이팝(K-pop) 가수들이 거의 다 나와.
Almost all the popular K-pop stars these days will be performing.
그래? 근데, 주말에는 좀 쉬고 싶은데.
Really? But I like to take a rest on the weekend.
그래도 가 보자. 이번에는 네가 좋아하는 가수들도 진짜 많이 나와. 가 보면 재미있을 거야.
Still, let’s go together. A lot of your favorite singers are performing this time. It will be fun if we go there.
나 이번 주에 너무 바빴어. 그냥 이번 주말에는 집에서 영화 보자.
I was extremely busy this week. Let’s just watch movies at home this weekend.
Related words
케이팝: K-pop
나오다 to perform
근데 but (It is the short form for ‘그런데’.)

보드게임 a board game

See also  V+ 는/ㄴ답니다., A+ 답니다.

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