
여름 휴가 때 뭐 할 거야?
What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
해외여행을 가고 싶은데 휴가가 짧아서 아직 결정을 못 했어.
I want to go on an overseas trip, but I haven’t made a decision because the vacation is short.
그럼 국내 여행이라도 가. 제주도는 어때? 기분 전환이 될 거야.
Then go on a domestic trip at least. How about Jeju Island? You will get refreshed.
성수기라서 사람이 많지 않을까?
Won’t there be a lot of people because it is peak season?
사람들이 잘 모르는 곳도 많아.
There are many places that people don’t know well.
좋은 곳이 있으면 좀 알려 줄래? 친구하고 이야기해 봐야겠어.
Will you inform me if you know good places? I will talk with my friends.

It is used when there is nothing someone likes and he/she chooses the next one. Suffixes like ‘에‘ and ’에서‘ are not deleted and they are used as ‘에라도’ or ‘에서라도’.

When a noun ends in a consonant, use ‘이라도‘, and when it ends in a vowel, use ‘라도’. 

밥이 없으면 라면이라도 먹읍시다.
Let’s eat ramen at least if there is no steamed rice.

심심하면 이 만화책이라도 보세요.
Read this comic book at least if you are bored.

친구 생일 모임에 못 가면 생일 축하 메시지라도 보내세요.
Please send a congratulatory message at least if you can’t go to your friend’s birthday party.

Related words
결정 a decision
성수기 a peak season
알리다 to inform, to tell
만화책 a comic book

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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