N 때 Indicate the time during which a thing or an event in the latter clause occurs.


It is used to indicate the time during which a thing or an event in the latter clause occurs.
방학 아르바이트를 했어요.
I did a part-time job during the vacation.
시험 도서관에 자리가 없어요.
There are no seats available in the library during the exam period.
명절 다들 고향에 갑니다.
They all go to their hometowns during the holidays.
휴가 뭐 할 거예요?
What are you going to do during the holidays?
친구들이랑 해외여행을 갈 거예요.
I am going on an overseas trip with my friends.
부러워요. 어디로 갈 거예요?
I’m envious of you. Where are you going to go?
일본으로 갈 거예요.
I am going to go to Japan.
Related words
휴가 a holiday, a break
부럽다 to be envious
일본 Japan
명절 a holiday
다들 all

See also  V+ 어지다/아지다/여지다(피동)

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