V/A+ 네요. Inform listeners of the fact or the feeling that the speaker has newly learned at the time of speaking.


V/A+ 네요.

It is used to inform listeners of the facts or the feelings that the speaker has newly learned at the time of speaking.
저기 흐엉 씨가 오네요.
There Ms. Huong is coming.
공기가 아주 맑네요.
The air is very clean.
구두가 참 예쁘네요.
The shoes are very pretty.
여름 방학이 언제예요?
When is your summer vacation?
6월 15일부터 8월 29일까지예요.
It is from June 15th till August 29th.
방학이 기네요.
The vacation is long.
네, 그래서 여행을 갈 거예요.
Yes. So I am planning to go on a trip.
Related words
a month
길다 to be long
공기 air
구두 shoes


See also  V+ 은/ㄴ 후에 Show that something happens after the verb.


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