N 후에 Show that something happens after the noun.


N 후에

It is used to show that something happens after the noun.
6개월 후에 고향에 갈 거예요.
I am going to go to my hometown in six months.
운동 후에 물을 많이 드세요.
Please drink plenty of water after exercise.
퇴근 후에 취미 생활을 하는 사람이 많습니다.
A lot of people enjoy their hobbies after work.
언제 고향에 돌아갈 거예요?
When are you going back to your hometown?
일주일 후에 갈 거예요.
I’m going back in a week.
짐은 다 쌌어요?
Have you packed?
아니요, 아직 다 못 쌌어요.
No, I haven’t packed yet.
Related words
돌아가다 to go back
일주일 a week
짐을 싸다 to pack
개월 counting units for the month
들다 to drink, to eat (It is an honorific expression for ‘먹다’)
퇴근 after work
취미 생활 hobbies


See also  V+ 을/ㄹ 생각이다


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