V+ 고² Link more than two actions in order in which they occurred.

V+ 고²

It is used to link more than two actions in the order in which they occurred.
See other uses of the ‘고’ expression:
밥을 먹 이를 닦았어요.
I brushed my teeth after the meal.
영화를 보 숙제를 했어요.
I watched movies and did my homework.
운동을 하 샤워했습니다.
I exercised and took a shower.
내일 한국어 수업이 끝나 같이 점심 먹읍시다.
Let’s have lunch together tomorrow after Korean class.
미안해요. 저는 수업이 끝나 아르바이트를 해요. 그래서 못 먹어요.
Sorry. I have a part-time job after class. So I can’t have lunch together with you.
날마다 아르바이트를 해요?
Do you work part-time every day?
아니요, 주말에는 쉬어요.
No, I don’t work on weekends.
Related words
점심 lunch
이를 닦다 to brush teeth
숙제 homework
샤워하다 to take a shower


See also  N이나/나 N 같은 N

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