V+ 고 있다¹ Indicate that a certain action is progressive and ongoing.

V+ 고 있다¹

It is used to indicate that a certain action is progressive and ongoing.
제 친구가 접시에 음식을 담고 있어요.
My friend is putting some food on a plate.
제 남동생이 욕실에서 이를 닦고 있어요.
My younger brother is brushing his teeth in the bathroom.
지금 물을 왜 끓이고 있어요?
Why are you boiling the water now?
(전화로) 지금 뭐 하고 있어요?
(On the phone) What are you doing now?
방이 너무 더러워서 청소를 하고 있어요.
The room is so messy, so I am cleaning it.
그럼 청소를 다 하고 영화 보러 갈래요?
Then, shall we go to watch a movie after you finish cleaning?
좋아요. 거의 다 끝났어요.
That sounds great. It’s almost done.
Related words
접시 a plate
담다 to put on (It is used to put something on a plate.)
욕실 a bathroom
끓이다 to boil

See also  V+ 도록 하다

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