V+ 으려고/려고 들면

V+ 으려고/려고 들면

It is attached to the stem of an action verb to mean ‘if one behaves actively with such intention’. It is used when one behaves more actively than ‘-으려고/려고 하면’.

으려고 들면 찾을 수는 있겠지만 굳이 힘들게 찾고 싶진 않아.
I might find it if I try, but I don’t want to find it hard.

서로 자기의 이익만 챙기려고 들면 싸움이 생길 수밖에 없다.
If they only try to keep their interests to themselves, there is no other choice but to get into a fight.

너는 영특한 아이니까 배우려고 들면 뭐든지 금방 배울 수 있을 거야.
Since you are an intelligent child, you will be able to learn anything fast if you try to learn it.


나는 발표 때 얼굴이 빨개지고 땀도 나고 말까지 더듬어서 큰일이야.
I have a huge worry because I turn red and sweaty at the presentation and even stutter my words.

원래 많은 사람들이 앞에 있으면 다들 긴장하기 마련이야.
When there are a lot of people in front of you, everyone gets nervous.

많은 사람 앞이 아닌데도 창피를 당하거나 실수할까 봐 자꾸 긴장 돼.
I wasn’t in front of many people, but I keep get nervous wondering if I would get humiliated or make mistakes.

사람들 앞에서 너무 잘 보이려고 들면 그게 너를 더 긴장하게 만들 수 있어.
If you try to look too good in public, it can make you more nervous.

내가 대인 공포증이 좀 있는 것 같아. 이런 증상을 해결할 수 있는 방법이 없을까?
I think I have some interpersonal phobia. Is there any way we can solve these symptoms?

See also  V/A+ 으면/면 N이/가 가능하다

자기 스스로를 격려하고 인정하는 것이 제일 중요해. 완벽하지 않아도 괜찮아.
Encouraging and admitting yourself is the most important thing. You don’t have to be perfect.

Related words
(말을) 더듬다 to stutter
창피를 당하다 to get humiliated
대인 공포증 interpersonal phobia
It means experiencing intense fear when you meet someone else or want to do something in front of them.
인정 recognition
완벽하다 to be perfect

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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