V+ (으)려고 해요. Express a plan or intention to do a certain action of the first person subject.

V+ (으)려고 해요.

It is used to express a plan or intention to do a certain action of the first person subject. 
When the active verb stem ends in a consonant, use ‘-으려고 해요’, and when it ends in a vowel, use ‘-려고 해요’.
저는 오늘 저녁을 간단하게 먹으려고 해요.
I am going to eat a simple dinner this evening.
저는 외로워서 고양이를 기르려고 해요.
I feel lonely, so I am going to raise a cat.
집이 너무 좁아서 우리는 이사하려고 해요.
The house is too small, so we are going to move.
이번 연휴에 흐엉 씨랑 여행을 갈 거예요. 같이 가시겠어요?
I am going to travel with Ms. Huong during the coming holidays. Will you come along with us?
어디로 가려고 해요?
Where are you planning to go?
가까운 섬으로 가려고 해요.
I am going to go to a nearby island.
좋아요. 같이 갑시다.
That sounds good. Let’s go together.
Related words
an island
간단하다 to be simple
기르다 to raise
좁다 to be small


See also  V/A+ 었/았/였기에 망정이지

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