V+ 자고 해요(했어요).

빨리 와요. 광고가 거의 다 끝났어요. 드라마가 곧 시작될 것 같아요.
Come quickly. The commercial is almost over. The drama will start soon.
우리 뭐 먹으면서 볼까요?
Shall we eat something while we watch it?
좋아요. 그런데 지난번에 드라마가 어떻게 끝났어요?
Sounds good. By the way, how did the drama end last time?
두 사람이 싸웠어요. 그리고 남자 주인공이 여자 주인공에게 헤어지자고 했어요.
The two people fought each other. And the main male character asked the female character to break up.
정말 두 사람이 헤어질까요?
Will the two people really break up?
모르겠어요. 전 두 사람이 안 헤어졌으면 좋겠는데요.
I don’t know. I wish the two people don’t break up.

V+ 자고 해요(했어요).
It is an expression of indirect speech for ‘V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다.‘, and ’V+ 어요/아요/여요.‘ in a suggestion sentence. The short form is ‘V+ 재요.’.

친구가 떡볶이는 너무 매우니까 다른 음식을 먹자고 했어요.
My friend told me to eat different food since stir-fried rice cake is too spicy.

아버지가 주말에 등산을 가자고 했어요.
My father told me to go hiking on weekend.

남자 친구가 주말에 극장에서 영화를 보자고 해요.
My boyfriend told me to watch a movie at a cinema on weekend.

Related words
싸우다 to fight
주인공 a main character
떡볶이 stir-fried rice cake
전 I (It is a short form for ‘저는’.)

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  N이/가 V/A아요.

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