V/A + 을때가 되었다/ㄹ 때가 되었다

V/A + 때가 되었다/ㄹ 때가 되었다

을때가 되었다/ㄹ 때가 되었다 used to indicate that there is sufficient time for a certain action or situation to occur.

If the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with a vowel or ‘ㄹ’, you use ‘-ㄹ 때가 되었다’, with another consonant, you use ‘-을 때가 되었다’.

너도 이제 어른이 되었으니 너의 행동에 책임을 질 때가 되었다.
Now that you’re an adult, it’s time to take responsibility for your actions.

우리가 아침을 먹은 지 4시간쯤 지났으니까 이제 배가 고플 때가 됐어.
It’s been about four hours since we had breakfast, so it’s time to get hungry.

오랫동안 계획을 세웠으니까 이제 실행에 옮길 때가 됐지요.
Now that we’ve been planning for a long time, it’s time to put it into practice.


방바닥이 온통 먼지투성이네. 우리 청소 좀 해야겠다.
The floor is fully covered with dust. We need to clean up.

그래, 할 때가 됐지. 청소한 지 일주일도 넘은 것 같아.
Yeah, it’s about time. I guess it’s been more than a week since we cleaned up.

청소기 돌리고 걸레질도 좀 하자. 내가 청소기 돌릴까?
Let’s do a vacuum and also mop it up. Do you want me to do the vacuum?

그래, 그럼 내가 걸레로 닦을게. 우선 창문부터 열고 시작할까?
Okay, then I will wipe it with a mop. Shall we open the window first and get started?

응. 하는 김에 이불 먼지도 털고 겨울옷 빨래도 하면 좋을 것 같아.
Yes. While we are cleaning, I think it’d be better to dust off the blanket and wash the winter clothes, too.

See also  V/A+ 어야/아야/여야

하루에 다 몰아서 하면 너무 힘들 것 같은데.
I’m worried it would be too hard to do it all in a day.

내일도 쉬니까 좀 나눠서 하면 안 돼?
Can’t we split up the work since we are taking a break tomorrow?

그럴까? 그럼 오늘은 청소만 하지, 뭐.
Shall we? Well, let’s just do cleaning today.

Related words
(청소기를) 돌리다 to do a vacuum
걸레질 mopping
걸레 mop
털다 to dust off

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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