V/A+ 습니까/ㅂ니까? The interrogative form of ‘V/A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다’.

V/A+ 습니까/ㅂ니까?

It is the interrogative form of ‘V/A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다’.
우빈 씨는 동생이 있습니까?
Mr. Woobin, do you have a younger brother/sister?
보통 몇 시에 잡니까?
What time do you usually go to bed?
유양 씨는 어디에 삽니까?
Ms. Yooyang, where do you live?
날씨가 아주 춥습니다.
The weather is very cold.
그럼 우리 저기에서 어묵을 먹을까요? 저는 어묵을 좋아해요.
Then, shall we eat eomuk (fish cake) over there? I like eomuk.
그럽시다. (잠시 후) 맛이 어떻습니까?
Yes, let’s do that. (After a while) How does it taste?
맛있어요. 그리고 국물이 아주 따뜻해요.
It tastes good. And the soup is very warm.
Related words
  • 춥다 to be cold
  • 어묵 fish cake
  • 잠시 후 After a while
  • taste
  • 국물 soup
  • 살다 to live
For action or descriptive verbs whose verb stem ends in ‘ㄹ’, ‘으’ is not used after the verb stem (e.g. 만들다-만들까요, 만들러 가요, 놀다-놀까요, 놀러 가요) For action or descriptive verbs whose verb stem ends in ‘ㄹ’, ‘ㄹ’ of the verb stem is deleted when it is followed by ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ’ (e.g. 살다 -살아요/삽니다, 삽니까, 길다 – 길어요/깁니다, 깁니까)


See also  V/A + 기는요

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