V/A 으니까/니까 V으세요/세요.

V/A 으니까/니까 V으세요/세요.

It is used to show that the former clause is the reason for the judgment expressed in the latter clause of the sentence for command.
이 영화는 재미없으니까 보지 마세요.
That movie is boring, so you shouldn’t watch it.
할아버지께서 주무시니까 조용히 하세요.
Grandfather is sleeping, so please keep quiet.
요즘 날씨가 더우니까 반팔 옷을 챙기세요.
It is very hot these days, so please pack up some short-sleeved clothes.
지금 어디예요?
Where are you now?
거의 다 왔어요.
I’m almost there.
공연이 곧 시작되니까 빨리 오세요.
The performance is about to begin. So please come quickly.
네, 빨리 갈게요.
Yes, I will be there soon.
Related words
시작되다 to begin
재미없다 to be boring
조용히 하다 to keep quiet, to be quiet
반팔 옷 short-sleeved clothes
챙기다 to pack up


See also  안 V+ (으)려고 해요. Express an intention not to do something when the subject is the first person

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