V/A+ 을걸요/ㄹ걸요.

이번 방학에 계절 학기 수업 들어요?
Do you take seasonal classes during this vacation?
고민 중이야. 너는?
I am thinking about it. What about you?
저는 김 교수님 수업을 신청했어요. 같이 들을래요?
I have applied for Professor Kim’s class. Shall we take the course together with me?
그럴까? 나도 전공 수업을 하나 들을까 했어.
Shall we? I was planning to take a major-related course.
그럼 지금 빨리 신청하세요. 김 교수님 수업은 인기가 많아서 빨리 마감될걸요.
Then, apply for it now quickly. Professor Kim’s class is so popular that it will be closed quickly.
그래? 지금 당장 신청해야겠다.
Really? I should apply for it right now.

V/A+ 을걸요/ㄹ걸요.
It is used when someone guesses about something as a reply to another person’s statement or action. ‘일걸요‘ is used after a noun.

우빈 씨는 아마 매운 음식을 안 먹을걸요.
Probably Mr. Woobin would not eat spicy food.

서연 씨는 공포 영화를 안 좋아할걸요.
Ms. Seoyon would not like horror movies.

출퇴근 시간이니까 지하철을 타는 게 더 빠를걸요.
It would be faster to take the subway because it’s commuting hours now.

Related words
계절 학기 a seasonal class
수업을 듣다 to take a class
신청하다 to apply for
마감되다 to be closed

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  N에 의해 Show evidence, standard, or method

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