V/A+ 을/ㄹ 테지만

V/A+ 을/ㄹ 테지만

It is attached to the stem of an action verb or descriptive verb when the speaker presumes and proposes a different or possible situation to emphasize the importance of the following clause. It is used to emphasize that the behavior or the content of the following clause is reasonable and mandatory.

회사마다 다를 테지만 영업 관리직은 명절에도 바빠요.
It may vary from company to company, but the sales management position is busy even during the holidays.

이미 들으셨을 테지만 오늘 있을 임원진 회의는 회사의 미래를 결정하는 중요한 자리입니다.
As you may have heard, today’s executive meeting is an important scene to decide the future of the company.

정치에 관심이 없으실 테지만 꼭 투표를 하시는 것이 국민의 의무를 이행하는 것입니다.
You may not be interested in politics, but making your vote is to fulfill your obligation as the public.


요즘 조선업은 말할 것도 없고 자동차 공장 중에도 문을 닫는 곳이 한 두 곳이 아니래.
I heard that not to mention the shipbuilding industry these days, there are a lot of car factories that are closed.

이제는 우리나라의 성장 동력을 조선업이나 자동차 산업으로 볼 수는 없을 것 같아.
I don’t think shipbuilding or automobile industries can be seen as our nation’s growth engine anymore.

제조업 강국이었던 우리 나라가 어쩌다 이렇게 됐지? 경쟁국들의 추격에 대비를 하지 못한 것은 아닐까?
We were once a manufacturing powerhouse. How did this happen to our country? Couldn’t we have been prepared for the pursuit of our rivals?

그런 이유도 있을 테지만 우리 나라의 주축 산업이 변화하고 있기 때문일 수도 있어.
That may be a reason, but it could be because our main industry is changing.

See also  V+ 을/ㄹ 건가요?

그럼, 공장들이 문을 닫는 현상이 산업의 발달에 따라 진행되는 변화 과정이라는 거야?
Then, are you saying that the factories closing down is a process of change that’s going on with the development of the industry?

그럴 수도 있어. 다른 선진국들도 그런 과정을 거쳤으니까.
It could be. Other developed countries have gone through that process, too.

Related words
조선업 shipbuilding industry
동력 engine
제조업 manufacturing industry
강국 powerhouse, powerful nation
주축 main

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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