V/A+ 지만

V/A+ 지만

It is used when the content of the beginning of the sentence is contrary to that of the latter content of the sentence. 
When the action verb or state verb comes, use ‘-지만’, and when the noun comes use ‘이지만’.
저는 요리는 좋아하지만 설거지는 싫어해요.
I like cooking but I do not like washing dishes.
언니는 키가 작지만 저는 키가 커요.
My elder sister is short but I am tall.
한국어는 어렵지만 재미있어요.
Korean is difficult but interesting.
이번 주말에 집들이를 할 거예요. 무슨 음식을 준비할까요?
I’m going to have a housewarming party this weekend. What dishes should I prepare?
닭갈비가 어때요?
How about dakgalbi (spicy grilled chicken)?
저는 매운 음식을 좋아하지만 친구들은 매운 음식을 잘 못 먹어요.
I like spicy food but my friends don’t.
그럼 불고기를 준비하세요.
Then, prepare some bulgogi.
Related words
닭갈비 spicy grilled chicken
맵다 to be spicy
불고기 (sliced and seasoned) barbequed beef
설거지 washing dishes
싫어하다 to hate, don’t like
키가 작다 to be short
어렵다 to be difficult


See also  N에 의해 Show evidence, standard, or method

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