V + 는다/ㄴ다 V+ 는다/ㄴ다 하는 게

V+ 는다/ㄴ다 V+ 는다/ㄴ다 하는 게

V + 는다/ㄴ다 V+ 는다/ㄴ다 하는 게 is attached to the stem of an action verb to indicate that one had a persistent desire to do a behavior that cannot be done, actually.

If the stem of an action verb ends with a vowel or ‘ㄹ’, you should use ‘-ㄴ다 -ㄴ다 하는 게’, with another consonant, you use ‘-는다 ‘-는다 하는 게’.

선물 받은 책을 읽는다는다 하는 게 바빠서 아직 못 읽었어요.
I kept trying to read the book you gave as a gift, but I haven’t read the book yet because I was too busy.

부모님께 전화를 드린다린다 하는 게 아직도 못 드렸어.
I kept trying to give a call to my parents but I haven’t yet.

방 정리를 한다 한다 하는 게 시간이 없어서 아직 못 했어요.
I kept thinking of cleaning my room but I haven’t yet because I had no time.


웨이 씨, 이번에 운전면허를 따셨다면서요? 축하해요.
Mr. Wei, I heard you got your driver’s license this time. Congratulations.

고마워요. 불합격할까 봐 걱정했는데 다행히 합격했어요.
Thank you. I had been afraid I’d fail, but fortunately, I passed.

첫 단계인 학과시험이 어렵다고 하던데 어땠어요?
I heard that the class exam, the first phase is difficult. How was it?

어렵기는 하지만 중국어로 볼 수 있어서 그나마 다행이었어요.
It was hard but I was still lucky that could take it in Chinese.

와! 중국어 서비스도 해 줘요?
Wow! Do they also offer Chinese service?

네, 중국어는 물론 베트남어로도 볼 수 있으니까 흐엉 씨도 한번 응시해 보세요.
Yes, not only you can take it in Chinese for sure, but you also can take it in Vietnamese, so you can try taking it, Huong.

See also  V/A+ 으니까/니까 V+ 는 게 좋다

저는 시험을 본다 본다 하는 게 바빠서 못 봤어요. 신분증만 가지고 가면 돼요?
I kept trying to take the test but I couldn’t because I was busy. Will it be okay if I just take my ID with me?

6개월 이내에 찍은 여권 사진도 세 장 필요하니까 꼭 가지고 가세요.
Be sure to take three passport photos within six months because you need them, too.

Related words
불합격 failure
(운전면허) 학과시험 (driving license) class exam
그나마 still
응시 to take an exam

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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