크게 말해도 할머니가 못 들어요.
Grandma can’t hear you even if you speak loudly.
이 옷이 마음에 들어요. 비싸도 사고 싶어요.
I like these clothes. I want to buy them even if they are expensive.
뉴스를 들어도 이해하지 못해요.
Even if I listen to the news, I can’t understand It.
Grammar Focus:
-아/어도 indicates that the situation in the second clause occurs regardless of the action or state described in the first clause. It means ‘even if or ‘regardless of whether’ in English. When the verb stem ends in ㅏ or ㅗ, -아도 is used, and when the verb stem ends in any other vowel, -어도 is used. For verbs that end in 하다, the form changes to 해도.
A: 3시까지 명동에 가야 해요. 택시를 탑시다.
We have to be in Myeongdong by 3:00. Let’s take a taxi.
B: 지금 2시 50분이에요. 택시를 타도 3시까지 못 가요.
It’s 2:50 right now. We won’t make it by 3:00 even if we take a taxi.
A: 요즘 바빠서 아침을 못 먹어요.
I’m so busy these days I don’t have time to eat breakfast.
B: 바빠도 아침 식시를 꼭 해야 해요. 아침 식사를 안 하면 건강에 안 좋아요.
You have to eat breakfast even if you’re busy. It’s unhealthy not to eat breakfast.
The meaning of -아/어 can be emphasized by using 아무리 in front of the verb, giving the expression the meaning of ‘no matter how (much)’
• 나는 바빠도 아침을 꼭 먹어요. Even if I’m busy I eat breakfast.
->나는 아무리 바빠도 아침올 꼭 먹어요.
No matter how busy I am, I always eat breakfast.
• 그 옷이 비싸도 살 거예요. I’ll buy those clothes even if they’re expensive.
->그 옷이 아무리 비싸도 꼭 살 거예요.
No matter how expensive those clothes are, I will buy them.