[Korean grammar] N이나/나 (2)

친구를 두 시간이나 기다렸어요.
I waited for my friend for no less than two hours.

아이가 여덟 명이나 있어요.
(We) have (as many as) eight children.

사과가 맛있어요. 그래서 열 개 먹었어요.
The apples are tasty. So I ate (as many as) ten of them.

Grammar Focus:
(이)나 indicates that the number or amount of something is much higher or more than expected, or it is at a level higher than what is generally considered normal. It corresponds to ‘as many as’ or ‘no less than’ in English. When added to words ending in a vowel, 나 is added, and when added to words fading in a consonant, 이나 is added.

A: 어제 술을 많이 마셨어요?
Did you drink a lot of alcohol yesterday?
B: 네, 맥주를 열 병이나 마셨어요.
Yes, I drank no less than 10 bottles.

A: 기차 시간이 얼마나 남았어요?
How much time is left before the train arrives?
B: 30분이나 남았어요.
There are (still as much as) thirty minutes remaining.

A: 마틴 씨는 지동차가 많아요?
Does Martin have a lot of cars?
B: 네, 5대 있어요.
Yes, he’s got as many as five.

While the particle 밖에 indicates that a number or amount is less than expected or doesn’t meet a general standard, (이)나 indicates that a number or amount is more than expected or exceeds a general standard. Depending on the perspective, a certain quantity can be viewed as either smaller or larger than expected, and thus 밖에 and (이)나 can be used to express such views.

• 물이 반밖에 없어요.
(The amount is less than expected.)
• 물이 반이나 있어요.
(The amount is more than expected.)

See also  [Korean grammar] A/V-겠어요 ① Intentions and Plans

A: 우리는 아이가 네 명밖에 없어요.
(The number is not viewed as very many.)
B: 네 명이나 있어요? 저는 한 명인데요.
(The number is viewed as more than usual.)

댄: 이번 시험에서 80점이나 받았어요.
(Dane normally scores around 70, so, to him, 80 is a better-than-expected score.)
왕징: 이번 시험에서 80점밖에 못 받았어요.
(Wang Jing normally scores around 90, so to her 80 is a worse-than-expected score.)

>> N(이)나 (1): Click here

Click below:
N와/과, N(이)랑, N하고
N에 ①
N에 ②
N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지
N(이)나 ②
N처럼, N같이

>> Full of ‘Korean grammar in use – Beginner’: Click here

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