[Korean Grammar] V + -느니 Expressing choices

느니 is used when stating that while neither of the two choices expressed in the preceding and following clauses is satisfactory, the one in the following clause is the better choice. It only attaches to verbs, and the word 차라리 or 아예 is often used in the following clause.

가: 요즘은 결혼이 필수가 아니라 선택 사항이 된 것 같아요.
가: Recently, it seems that marriage has become optional rather than mandatory.
나: 저도 결혼해서 시댁 눈치 보랴 애들 키우랴 힘들게 사느니 그냥 마음 편하게 혼자 사는 것도 나쁘지 않다고 생각해요.
나: Instead of getting married and dealing with the difficulties of in-laws and child-rearing, I think living a carefree single life is better.
가:  그래도 평생을 혼자 외롭게 지내느니 차라리 힘들더라도 둘이 함께 의지하며 사는 게 더 낫지 않을까요?
가: But even so, don’t you think living your life together as a (married) couple is better than living your life alone?
나: 음……. 그럼 안 하는 것보다 해 보고 후회하는 게 나을까요?
나: Um… So rather than not doing it, you think it’s better to give it a try and to regret it later, right?

연습도 제대로 못 하고 대회에 참가하느니 아예 다음 기회에 도전하겠다.
Rather than attending the competition without practicing, I’ll try my luck at the next competition.

마음이 맞지 않는 사람과 일을 하느니 차라리 밤을 새워도 혼자 하는 게 낫지.
Rather than working together with someone you don’t get along with, it’s better to do it yourself even if it takes all night.

멀리서 출퇴근하느라 시간을 낭비하느니 집값이 비싸더라도 이 근처로 이사 오는 게 어때요?
Rather than wasting time commuting from far away, how about moving somewhere nearby even if house prices are expensive?

See also  [Korean Grammar] (느)ㄴ다니까 Expressing Citations and Quotations

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to see other grammars which also express ‘Choices’

1. -느니
2. -(으)ㄹ 바에야
3. -건 -건
4. -(느)ㄴ다기보다는

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