N만큼 V/A는/은/ㄴ N은/는 없다

다음 주가 휴가지요? 무슨 계획이 있어요?
Next week is the vacation, isn’t it? Do you have any plans?
아니요, 아무 계획도 없어요.
No, I don’t have any plans.
가까운 곳에라도 다녀오지 그래요?
Why don’t you go somewhere close?
이번에는 아무것도 안 하고 그냥 집에서 쉬고 싶어요.
I just want to take a rest at home this time without doing anything.
야근도 많이 하고 스트레스도 많았으니까 쉬는 것도 필요해요.
You need to take a rest because you have worked overtime a lot and you have had a lot of stress.
네, 집에서 쉬는 것만큼은 없지요.
Yes, nothing is more comfortable than to rest at home.

N만큼 V/A는/은/ㄴ N은/는 없다
It is used to indicate the noun in front of ‘만큼‘ is the best. When an action verb comes, an adverb like ‘잘’, ‘많이’, or ‘열심히’ is used together.

우리 야구 팀에서 우빈 씨만큼 공을 잘 던지 사람은 없어요.
There is no one in our baseball team who can throw a ball better than Mr. Woobin.

집안일 중에서 다림질만큼 귀찮은 없어.
Nothing is more bothersome than ironing among household chores.

세상에서 너만큼 사람은 없어.
There is no one in the world who is more kind than you

Related words
아무것 anything
야구팀 a baseball team
공 a ball
던지다 to throw
다림질 ironing
세상 world

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  설마 V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 건(것은) 아니지요?

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