N와/과¹ List and link nouns and it is similar to ‘N하고’ or ‘N이랑/랑’ in meaning


It is used to list and link nouns and it is similar to ‘N하고’ or ‘N이랑/랑’ in meaning. It is often used in written language. 
When the noun ends in a vowel, use ‘와’, and when the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘과’.
빨래 청소를 해요.
I wash the laundry and do the cleaning.
편의점에서 휴지 세제를 사요.
I buy toilet paper and detergent at the convenience store.
제 방에 책상 침대와 컴퓨터가 있어요.
There are a desk, a bed, and a computer in my room.
1시 10분 부산행 기차표 주세요.
Please give me a train ticket departing for Busan at 1:10.
몇 장 드릴까요?
How many tickets do you need?
어른 표 1장 어린이 표 1장 주세요.
One adult ticket and one child ticket, please.
잠시만 기다리세요.
Please wait a minute.
Related words
-행 departing for
기차표 a train ticket
counting unit for paprer or ticket
어른 an adult
a ticket
어린이 a child
빨래 laundry
청소 cleaning
세제 detergent
침대 a bed

See also  는데도/은데도/ㄴ데도

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