V/A + 기는요

어, 내 카드로 누가 결제한 것 같아.
Oh no, it seems like someone paid with my card.
그걸 어떻게 알았어?
How did you know that?
내 신용카드는 등록이 되어 있어서 내가 결제할 때마다 내역이 문자로 와.
My credit card is registered so whenever I pay with my card, I receive a text.
빨리 지갑에 카드가 있는지 확인해 봐.
Hurry and check your wallet to see if your card is there.
없어. 나 진짜로 카드를 잃어버렸나 봐. 어떻게 해?
It’s not there. It seems like I really did lose my card. What should I do?
어떡하긴. 카드 회사에 전화해서 분실 신고부터 해야지.
What do you mean what should you do? You should call the card company and report it lost.

V/A+ 기는요.
As it is attached to an action verb’s stem or descriptive verb’s stem, it is when someone expresses what he says in a negative way. It means being humble when you use it as his complement. As an abbreviation form, it is called ‘-긴요’. Usually, it does not express its tense.

가: 숙제 다 했어요?
Did you do all your homework?
나: 다 하기는요. 반도 못했어요.
What do you mean, do everything? I could not even do half.

가: 다이어트를 한다고 들었는데 살이 빠졌어?
I heard you are on a diet, did you lose weight?
나: 빠지긴. 오히려 더 쪘어.
What do you mean, lose weight? Rather, I gained weight.

가: 한국어를 정말 잘하시네요.
You are really good at Korean.
나: 잘하기는요. 저보다 잘하는 사람이 얼마나 많은데요.
What do you mean, really good? There are so many people who are better than me.

See also  V/A+ 는다고/ㄴ다고/다고(인용)

Related words
(결제) 내역 (payment) details
어떡하다 to do what (abbreviation for ‘어떠하게 하다’)
분실 lost
신고 report
오히려 rather

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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