V/A+ 기 때문에 The content of the preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause.

V/A+ 기 때문에

It is used to indicate that the content of the preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause. It cannot be used in an imperative or suggestion sentence.
그 가수는 노래를 잘하기 때문에 인기가 많습니다.
That singer is really popular because he/she sings well.
제 친구는 항상 조심하기 때문에 실수를 별로 안 해요.
My friend does not make mistakes much because he/she is always careful.
그 아르바이트는 일이 힘들기 때문에 월급이 많아요.
He receives a high monthly salary because his part-time job is hard.
커피를 많이 드시는군요. 하루에 몇 잔쯤 마셔요?
You drink a lot of coffee. How many cups do you drink per day?
하루에 한 세 잔 마셔요.
I drink about three cups per day.
커피는 위에 나쁘니까 너무 많이 드시지 마세요.
Don’t drink coffee too much because it is bad for your stomach.
저는 커피를 안 마시면 졸리기 때문에 커피를 많이 마셔요.
I drink a lot of coffee because I feel sleepy when I don’t drink it.
Related words
about (It is used in front of a word for quantity or number.)
a stomach (It is one of the human internal organs.)
졸리다 to feel sleepy
조심하다 to be careful
실수 a mistake
월급 a monthly salary


See also  V/A+ 는다고/ㄴ다고/다고 하니까 V+ 을게요/ㄹ게요.

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